sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

The Time of My Life

Hello everybody!

I chose this title for my post because before arriving in Porto, I read somewhere on the website of ESN Porto Prepare for the time of your life!. Back then, I laughed at it because before my own ERASMUS semester I thought it' s all about partying, having fun and annoying the local students through your care-free lifestyle ;)

But no. Now it know what they meant. Don' t expect me to explain you what because it' s impossible. I guess you' re reading my message now because you are wondering whether to go to Porto or not, just like I was reading such stories a year ago. And you know what: I couldn' t understand them. It is not an experience that can be simply described. Being an ERASMUS student is a thing that goes far beyond one' s strongest words and is therefore understandable only for those who have ever been a part of it. Your family and friends won' t understand you when you are telling them about the emotions and events you had in Porto, just like nobody understands me now. But will you care?

Definitely no! Because in your hearts and souls you' ll have millions of unforgettable memories, of periods (not moments, not hours, not days, not even weeks!) of unendless happiness. So what is ERASMUS about if not partying and having fun? - it' s about finding your second homeland, finding another home, another family, having one more town to call my town, one more country which is my country, one more place which is my home. Honestly, how many people you know who have several homes? Only a few or not even any, right? ;)

Like my mother says: life is all about creating memories. During my five months in Porto I have created more memories than during the whole 20 years before. Of course, good memories hurt much more than bad ones but, come on! It' s better to remember how you walked along the beach wearing a t-shirt a week before Christmas, how you did things you' d never thought before you' ll do, how you went for a walk with five friends from five different countries different from yours than wondering how it would eventually be, isn' t it? ;)


Emiliya Belcheva


4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

É verdade... tens aqui outro lar e uma segunda família... beijinhos

Waldemar Sidorowicz disse...

Hi !

Did you see last erasmus party 2012/2013
Get some fres info about Study in Poland and Fun :)

Erasmus disse...

It's incredible the Erasmus time, and fortunatlly are alsome

Erasmus of Paris disse...

I'm so agree, going for a semester in Iscap is awesome.
Live in Porto is incredible and if I have to talk about classes it is really practical :
For instance, the e-commerce classes in Iscap gave me the technical knowledge to build my website project of helping the Erasmus Student in my home town!
Cedric, Erasmus Porto Iscap 2011
Check for more information ;)